Where to find them and how to clean them to avoid health risks and increase bills

Those who own air conditioners know that they should clean or replace filters if necessary to avoid unnecessary health risks.

In fact, air conditioner filters should be cleaned twice a year. Before the switch and also at the end of summer.

air conditioner

This is to allow the correct operation of the air conditioner and to improve the quality of the air that will be released with use. However, not all air conditioners can be cleaned independently but the intervention of a professional technician is required. It is recommended to read the instruction manual to avoid damage to the device.

Air conditioner filters: where to find them and how to clean them to avoid health risks and increase bills

The scorching heat in recent months has increased sales of air conditioners thanks to Hot Bonus provided by the government. Bonuses that include the installation of air conditioners within the construction work.

Constant maintenance of filters is mandatory to make the air conditioning last longer and avoid health problems. There are two types of filters for cleaning: activated carbon and dustproof. The procedure is quite simple and generally follows the same rules for all devices. The instruction booklet will certainly give more details.

First remove the plug from the socket. It is preferable to wear a mask before proceeding to do so so as not to breathe dust that may carry mites or bacteria. At this point, find the cover and remove the dust from the filters with a soft cloth or brush.

The two filters then need to be cleaned in two different ways. Anti-dust with a toothbrush or very cold water and neutral soap, then let it dry before putting it in its case.

The activated carbon filter can also be washed with water, but left to soak for about 20 minutes. Then this will also be left to air dry but not in direct contact with the sun.

Finally, it’s time for the splits. Once released, they should be submerged in a basin containing hot water and liquid soap. Then, rinse, dry and put it back together. Make sure everything is dry and turn on the air conditioner to make sure everything is working. If not, unplug it and check that all pieces are inserted correctly.

In any case, to clean the filters, it is also possible to contact qualified personnel who will also be able to advise on the maintenance of the air conditioner.

Where do you buy it?

Air conditioner filters can be found in specialized offline stores such as Leroy Merlin or online stores, such as Amazon. Prices are around 15€ but can increase depending on the model of the air conditioner.

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