Not only London. There is also news in Paris, Jerusalem and Bogota

The Tinder Center highlights the UK, France, Israel and Colombia. Elections and crises that change the geopolitical landscape

The Soufan Center explains that major elections and political crises hinder the geopolitical landscape. The center determines four.

United kingdom

Resignation Boris Johnson As leader of the Conservative Party with a promise to step back as Prime Minister once his successor is chosen. Whether he remains in office until the fall, or is declared undefeated, Johnson’s tenure will be remembered as chaotic. A champion of Brexit, he was elected on a populist platform that presented him as the best candidate to implement this vision and complete Brexit. Although he achieved this, his tenure and the series of scandals that marked him provide further evidence that it is easier to be elected populist than to be governed as such.”


French President’s Coalition Emmanuel Macron He suffered an unexpected defeat in last month’s parliamentary elections, in which the far right and the far left gained enough seats to leave Macron’s party under a parliamentary majority and force him to seek a deal with the centre-right. The polarization of the French legislature reflects the increasingly bipolar nature of the French electorate, which has left centrist politicians rightly concerned about their continued eligibility. The French Fifth Republic was formed around the office of a strong president, but the fact that it does not have a parliamentary majority will force Macron to rein in his domestic ambitions and take control of his vision of strengthening the European Union during his five-year term.”


The crisis of the Israeli government with the departure Naftali Bennett and promote Yair Lapid Prime Minister Temporarily Until the November elections, when the country will head to the polls for the fifth time in less than four years. The experts wrote: “The frequency and futility of the last four elections highlights the stalemate that has dominated Israeli politics in recent years.” “Voters are divided on many key issues, and despite the high stakes, many moderate voters have long lost interest in the process.”


The tipping point in Colombia, with the historic turning point presidential election for the South American country, which elected a left-wing president for the first time, may pave the way for a new attitude for Colombians toward Colombia’s rebellious past. They explain that “while his election may be a temporary popular reaction to growing inequality, lack of opportunity, and frustration with corruption, he is certain that his term will change the nature of relations between Colombia and the United States.” The two have worked closely together on security issues for decades and Colombia is the largest trading partner of the United States in the region. Analysts fear it [Gustavo] Petro It could reduce these ties while developing closer ties with authoritarian and anti-American leaders in the region. Whether Petro’s election means a change in the Colombian psyche or just a temporary flirtation with leftist politics, his administration is destined to dramatically change the course of the country in the short and medium term.”

Earl Warner

"Devoted bacon guru. Award-winning explorer. Internet junkie. Web lover."

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