Macron says the UK is a friend despite the mistakes of its leaders

French President Emmanuel Macron said, on Friday, that the United Kingdom is a “good friend and ally” of France, regardless of its leaders and the “small mistakes” they may make during the election campaign.

He was responding to comments from the Conservative Party and British Foreign Secretary candidate Liz Truss, who said on Thursday that “the jury is out” on whether Macron is friend or foe.

Macron, who was re-elected in April, has a difficult relationship with outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the government that implemented Brexit. However, the United Kingdom and France have long been allies and both are members of NATO and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

“It is never good to lose your connections so much in life,” Macron said during a visit to Algeria in response to a question about the British foreign minister’s comments. “No matter who is considered the future leader of the United Kingdom, I will not hesitate again. The United Kingdom is a friend of France.”

Macron said that in a world of authoritarian democracies and illiberal forces, the British and French were heading for “serious problems” if they could not tell if they were each other’s friends or enemies.

“So I say with certainty that the British people, the nation of the United Kingdom, are a good friend and ally, regardless of their leaders, and sometimes despite the leaders and the little mistakes they might make in their campaign comments,” he said.. Macron said.

Earl Warner

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