Japanese study: Eating fiber reduces the risk of dementia

In Japan, a new study has emerged among others regarding the risk of dementia related to fiber intake. Here are the details.

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Dementia (AdobeStock)

there mental illness It is a type of neurodegenerative disease that affects the brain typical of aging. A Japanese study linked the onset of this condition to fiber intake. It is actually an essential food for our body and every dietitian and nutritionist suggests including it in your diet for better health. Fiber is known for its importance to the digestive system and also has cardiovascular benefits as it affects cholesterol.

Evidence recently appeared in Japan, where the basic It will also be important for brain health. The search was published in Nutritional Neuroscience It was conducted by Japanese scientists. It showed that a high-fiber diet was associated with a lower risk of dementia. The study’s author, Professor Kazumasa Yamagishi, claimed that Dementia is a devastating disease that requires long-term care, so he was interested in research that suggested dietary fiber could play an important role..

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Dementia and fibres, the Japanese study

Food and dementia

The study included thousands of adults residing in Japan, and is an ongoing study from 80s. In fact, participants completed surveys that assessed their diets between 1985 and 1999. People were generally healthy, ranging in age from 40 to 64. Then from 1999 to 2020, it was observed whether or not people developed some form of dementia that required treatment.

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Researchers have found that the association between fiber intake and dementia is more significant when it comes to this soluble fiber, or the fiber found in foods such as oats and legumes. They are important for the bacteria that live in the gut and for maintaining good health. The mechanisms of how dementia and fibrillation are related are still unknown, but great strides have already been made.

Phil Schwartz

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