If we are looking for a spice that will lower cholesterol while also protecting the heart and brain, it has finally been found.

When we put spices on the dishes we cook, we must know their history. Also and only for personal curiosity. Why, there are spices like the ones we will see today that will accompany man for 3,000 years. There are spices like the protagonist of our article that were a real target of pirates already in Roman times. In fact, possessing a large amount of spice, including turmeric, was intended for the pirate crew to make a real investment. If we are looking for a spice that will lower cholesterol while also protecting the heart and brain, it has finally been found. While this food is still after 3000 years science considers it As a very precious ally to our health.

Incredible but true story

It sounds incredible, but what is now considered perhaps the Queen of Spice was once Cinderella. Rather, it was called “the saffron of the poor.” Only the color is somewhat similar. Strange as we have said is the story of this food that even the ancient Assyrians, the warrior people, used in appeasement rituals before battles. In practice, turmeric, very close to the color of the sun, appears to have been given to the gods to ask for their support in battle. Precious through antiquity, experienced a period of darkness during the Middle Ages. However, it was the Arabs who brought it back to Europe, giving it the name that remains to this day: “turmeric”. Derived from the word “kurkum” which means saffron.

Aloe Vera Slim

If we are looking for a spice that will lower cholesterol while also protecting the heart and brain, it has finally been found.

Turmeric has also been prized in the kitchen for its ability as table salt. We know how much of the same salt has been defined as “white gold” which is why turmeric has been in great demand. Without considering that in all antiquity it was used as a natural detoxifier and anti-inflammatory. Remember, in fact, that turmeric contains significant amounts of:

  • vitamins;
  • metals.
  • Antioxidants;
  • the basic;
  • fatty acids

But also proteins and carbohydrates. Basically, one of the most complete spices ever. A good ally for the heart, brain and fight against high cholesterol. However, it is good to remember that if taken regularly it may contradict some anticoagulant medications. This is why it is important to consult your GP.


Sudden lapses in memory are not only due to advancing age but also due to the lack of these very useful allies of the brain.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is in no way a substitute for medical advice and/or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or prescribing treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to seek an opinion Always doctor or specialist and read the warnings provided. Who is the”)

Phil Schwartz

"Food expert. Unapologetic bacon maven. Beer enthusiast. Pop cultureaholic. General travel scholar. Total internet buff."

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